Nairobi Safari Walk
The Nairobi Safari Walk offers a unique setting for visitors to see Kenya’s flora and fauna in habitats that simulate natural environments, albeit on a smaller scale than the large National Parks and Game Reserves. Unobtrusive fences erected in deep trenches create an immersive experience for the visitor, making a trip to the Nairobi Safari Walk a pleasant adventure that could last one to two hours.
- Safari walk entrance
- white rhino
- albino zebra
- bongo beneath raised boardwalk
The first ecosystem you encounter when you enter the Nairobi Safari Walk is a Wetland covered in water lilies and fringed with papyrus. This is also home to grazing pigmy hippos and lazing crocodiles.
The next habitat in line is the Savannah environment which plays host to an albino Zebra in a herd of its regular species, Antelopes, Giraffe, Hyena, the rare Bongo, a White Rhino, Leopards, Cheetahs and Lions. Raised boardwalks meander through the different enclosures, with signboards along the way providing useful information on the species of plants and animals found there. Strategically located viewpoints close to the enclosures offer a close-up look at the occupants going about their daily lives.
A nature trail through a Woodland, the last of the three habitats in the Nairobi Safari Walk, showcases some of Kenya’s indigenous plants, with signposts along the trail describing their traditional uses. Benches at various locations along the trail provide resting places for anyone wishing to take a moment to enjoy the forest sights and sounds.
Getting There
The Nairobi Safari Walk is located on Langata Rd next to the KWS HQ and the main entrance to the Nairobi National Park. From the CBD, take Langata Matatu number 15, or Karen/Hardy Matatu number 24, or Kiserian Matatu number 126/127 and alight at the KWS gate.
Entry Requirements
This facility is managed by KWS. These are the latest KWS Tariffs.